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Psychometric Test On Youth4work

Psychometric Assessments help companies to understand a candidates’s personality and behaviour.

Psychometric assessment is a tool often used by the recruiters in order to gauge the candidate’s intelligence, skills, and personality.

Youth4work provides a platform for one such psychometric test in order to let the user assess themselves.

To access Psychometric test, Visit this link on main header, as shown below:

Link on main header of

Instructions for the Psychometric test:

  • The total number of self-assessment questions is 25.
  • The total duration of the test is 15 minutes.
  • Mark the answers by encircling the right number. No answer can be left blank.
  • There are no right or wrong answers. There is no negative marking.
  • Please be honest while responding to questions for correct assessment. There is no concept of passing or failing in this test.
  • Each question consists of two opposite assertions in Column A and Column B. You have to rate yourself on a scale of 7 points depending on which description (A or B) expresses you more accurately.
  • Select whichever number best reflects where you exist between each pair of statements. The higher the number, the more you associate with the right column statement. The lower the number, the more you associate with the left column statement. Selecting number 4 puts you somewhere in between.

The interpretation of the numbers is as follows:-

  1. I strongly resemble the description in Column A
  2. I closely resemble the description in Column A
  3. I somewhat resemble the description in Column A
  4. Neutral.
  5. I somewhat resemble the description in Column B
  6. I closely resemble the description in Column B
  7. I strongly resemble the description in Column B

Psychometric Personality OCEAN Radar report

Once you finish the test, your Personality OCEAN report will be generated, which details out your behavior on the 5 traits.

Following are some sample screen-shots of the test report.

Graphical report of the psychometric test
Analysis of the report

Each trait report has 2 sections:

  1. The section in blue explains the aspects of that trait
  2. The section in white explains the candidate’s behavior for that trait.

Since the report can be intense, one should read it and infer it in a positive sense to work on areas that may need improvements.

Now, the Youth are well equipped with the tool the recruiters use, so what are you waiting for? Assess yourself now to understand yourself!

This tool is used by many companies on Youth4work.