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Recruitment Optimization: WorkMail Feature

Work Mail is an exclusive feature available for Employers on Youth4Work.

Why should Employers use Work Mail?

Work Mails enable you to reach a large pool of talented Youth without any introduction and contact info.

Work Mails are so effective that employers and people using these services have returned back for more than 78% of the time.

 As we mentioned that, either through Talent Board or through accessing the Top Recruiter account you will get pre-assessed targeted Youth profiles for your Jobs. Now the only thing left is contacting them for further testing. So, Work Mail provides you a credible and professional outreach to such candidates and also saves your time.

What can be communicated through Work Mails?

  1. Jobs: Each and every organization has specific requirements. Youth4work ensures that these needs are met in a very quick, professional and trustworthy way. By posting Jobs, you get free access to all types of the database to be it technical, non- technical or any other Job-related database.

There are (and never would be) no restrictions whatsoever on the type of profile, be it Tech or non-Tech, that you can access. It’s entirely upon you. End of the day, you are managing recruitment. You should be in control.

So go ahead, create those job posts and build your team.

2. Full Time or Part Time Internships: Having interns in your organization is a boon not only for the student but for you as an employer as well. You get new perspectives on organizational issues, interns can help with an on-going project or task that you may have trouble executing and lastly, interns also serve as brand ambassadors for your organization. Communicate your need for new ideas and fresh perspectives through the work mail feature and see your organization grow.

3. Projects: You can also communicate the availability of projects for the youth through Work Mails. Maybe you would like to try a fresh approach to a business strategy — why not communicate it to the 300k + youth and see where their valuable insights and advice can take your projects.

4. Invite for a test: Work mails can also be used to invite talent for a test of their skills. You can create your own organization-specific test and communicate it to prospective employees.

Internal emails and management features with email notifications ensure your message is read and responded more effectively than any other message campaign that you may use.