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How To Use yAssess (Custom Tests) Tool?

Step by step guide to Create & Administer Custom Tests easily, quickly & effectively.

Now that you have understood what is yAssess — Custom Tests tool on Youth4work and why should you use it, let us learn to use this tool effectively.

yAssess involves 4 simple steps

Create Test >> Invite Candidates >> Results & Shortlist >> Interviews

The detailed procedure to use yAssess can be easily understood from the demo video below:

1. Create Test:

1.1 — Selecting the Test Type

  • Go to the Dashboard and select Custom Test
  • Choose the type of test you want to conduct — Adaptive or Fixed
  • In Adaptive Test, the questions adapt to the test-takers behavior, i.e. based on attempted answers being correct or incorrect, further questions get difficult or easy.
  • In Fixed Test, the selected questions will be shown in random order to every user who takes the assessment. User can select the option of ‘Skip’ or ‘Solve Later’ the same question within the given time span.
  • In either type, with each attempt on a question, its time-to-attempt and hardness level changes automatically.

1.2 — Create Sections and Other Options

  • Name your test — according to your requirement of a skill, or a placement drive, etc.
  • Create Sections from already preloaded skills question banks or add a new skill question bank (can be private, group or for this test itself)
  • For each section, you can select the number of questions (Q#) from the question bank (QBank). You can also choose specific questions for a section based on the hardness level.

Choosing the number of Questions for each section in yAssess and using Assessment Settings
  • The system automatically shows the Avg. Time for each section to estimate the total test time.
  • The alternate option to upload questions in bulk is:


You can select Download File Option where you can download a file format from and upload your question bank in the given format. (The uploading will take approx 24–48 hrs depending on your file size)

  • Other options with any test are — Additional Tests (Typing, Subjective or Psychometric) — To Show Answers after attempts or not— To have Image Proctoring (capturing snapshots of test-takers via webcams) or not — To see if Attempter have information like Aadhar, Profile Heading, Gender, Required Community — Also have an option to allow students/user to switch or minimize Web Window — Education Detail if required can also be asked from a user.
  • Once you’re done with all your selection, click Next to create the test.

2. Invite Candidates to take tests:

There are three ways by which you can invite people to attempt the ytest.

  1. Direct Mail — Emails to potential candidates
  2. Job Applicants — Assessing the Job Applicants
  3. Pass Key — Share test link with different pass keys (Single User or Master Passkey)

Methods to Invite candidates for Custom Tests created by Companies on Youth4work

2.1 — Direct Mail

This is used when you have the email ids of candidates supposed to take the assessment.

Inviting Candidates by Direct Mail in yAssess
  • Validity —Enter the number of days for how long the assessment will be valid online. Candidates can take the assessment within the specified number of days, after which the link will expire for them.
  • (Send Email) To — Enter the email ids of the candidates, either separated by comma or one below other (using enter). You can also copy the list of email ids from an Excel sheet or a .txt file directly
  • Subject — Write a specific subject line relevant to the assessment
  • Text Message — There is already a default message with the link to the assessment, which can be edited with any specific points or guideline for the assessment.
  • Send to unregistered users — Use this option if you want to invite only those candidates who have not taken any assessment before (through you or any other company)
  • When you hit Send Invitation button, emails bearing your company’s name as Sender Name goes through Youth4work servers and are received by candidates in their mailboxes.

2.2 — Job Applicants

This method can be used when you have posted a job on Youth4work and want to further assess the applicants.

Inviting candidates via Job Post Applicants on Youth4work
  • Select the Job from the list of posted jobs, for which you want to assess the applicants. The applicant’s list will appear below the section.
  • Choose the Validity dates — the assessment will be valid only between those dates.
  • Select the applicants whom you want to invite for the assessment. You may select one or all.
  • Click on ‘Send Invitation’ button. An auto-generated mail goes from Youth4work in your company’s name to the selected applicants along with the assessment link.

2.3 — Pass Keys

  • This method is recommended when the company wants to conduct assessments for any Walk-in drives or Campus drives or for their employees also.
  • The method generates a specified number of unique alphanumeric codes that can be used by candidates to unlock any assessment.

Generating Pass Keys to share with candidates of Custom Tests of Companies
  • Choose the Number of Pass Keys you require and also the Validity Dates of the pass keys. Candidates cannot use the passkey before the start date and beyond the end date.
  • The passkeys, along with the link to the custom test gets downloaded in an Excel sheet on your system.

Pass Key Excel File

Single User Pass Key allows candidates to take one test with their personal passkey allotted for single use only with validation.

Master Pass Key allows every candidate to take one test with a common Passkey which could be used multiple times with no validation.

Whichever method you use for the invitation, you will see the increased count of invites at the top. This is a total of invites through Direct Mails, Job Applicants and Pass Keys.

Total number of invites for ‘Marketing’ custom test

You can see the list of all invited candidates as below, and you can resend the invite also:

List of Candidates invited for Custom Assessments

3. Results & Shortlist

As the candidates attempt the assessment, the results start getting populated automatically and instantaneously. Click on the Results section at the top (refresh the page if you are already on Results).

Results in Percentile/Percentage of scores
  • You will the candidates who have completed the assessment tests, along with their section-wise scores, total score, and education details.
  • View the scores of the applicants in Percentile or Percentage form.
  • You can click on the candidates’ name to view their profile and talents.

3.1 — Individual Reports

  • Click on ‘View’ to open the detailed results of any candidate to understand the performance viz. other candidates.

Individual Custom Test Report

3.2 — Send Mail or Shortlist Candidates

  • Select the candidates, you want to inform for next steps directly from the list or use the ‘Advanced Search’ option to filter candidates based on various factors like college, course, batch, Aadhar number, etc.

Advanced Search filters in Custom Tests to Shortlist relevant candidates
  • You can choose to inform candidates for shortlisting by selecting and clicking on ‘Send Mail’ button (a WorkMail box opens up).
  • To directly Shortlist candidates for the round of Interviews, select them and click on ‘Shortlist’ button. An auto-generated mail goes to the candidates on your behalf.
  • Once Shortlisted, the number of people shortlisted will automatically reflect in the ‘Interview’ section of the Custom Test after refreshing the page or clicking on the Interview section.

Shortlisting Candidates for Interview Rounds in yAssess — Custom Tests

3.3 Download Results

  • Click on the Download icon at the top-right side of the table to download the results of the candidate’s tests in an excel file on your computer.
  • You can play around with the excel file to perform any other analytics you wish to.

4. Interviews

  • Once you have shortlisted candidates for interview rounds, you can conduct your rounds of interviews — single or multiple based on your requirements.
  • Click on the Interview section

Interviews Section on Custom Tests on Youth4work
  • You can see the candidates’ contact numbers (to call them easily for telephonic interviews or schedule face-to-face interviews), their academic details, total test scores.
  • The main thing here is Rating on 5 Stars that you can assign to the candidates based on their performance in interview rounds. You may use the 5-star rating scale based on your requirements — e.g. number of interview rounds, performance in interview rounds, etc.

Interview Note
  • You can also add Feedback/Interview Notes — against each candidate based on interviews by clicking on the Note icon. You can redesign the feedback note format based on your requirements. Once formatted, it cannot be changed. See the demo of the same here.
  • Based on the star ratings and interview notes, you can select your new hires and release your offer letters as per company policies.

  • Once you have entered the star ratings, you can download the test report again by clicking on Download icon for your records.

To Create a Custom Test, Click Here:

For any queries and support on yAssess:

Call on: +91–11–64000230/31 or +91–8826293205