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Custom yAssess — Your Own Testing World

Corporate Assessment Solutions

“What is valued and preserved, is assessed at least once!”

The above quote is a derivative of “What gets measured gets improved.” The time has long gone when natural selection used to be a way of positioning a person for a particular job. In a professional context, these days, if you aren’t fit, you don’t deserve a place (Although, you might deserve some more chance to prove your fitness).

yAssess is one of the unique features that Youth4work provides to its corporate partners. It is a custom assessment solution for recruiters who want their prospects filtered through a customized test of their own.

How to use yAssess?

Well, it’s a simple four-step process.

1. Create test — From our library or yours

2. Invite — The candidates to the spotlight using WorkMail.

3. Analyze — The performance, precisely. Then easily refine your pool.

4. Interview — Go ahead build your team. Charge your business.

For more details, click here.

Credibility of yAssess and why should one use it?

Because brute power resides in your hand. You have all the security features in your arsenal like video proctoring, IP monitoring, applicant tracking and to add to it, all the analysis to know exactly what the prospect is capable of.

yAssess also provides you with a huge bank of questions so that while devising your custom test you don’t need to look out for questions. And also, this system is fraudproof as it possesses all the security features like Proctored Web, IP, etc. For more details click here

A detailed video showing a step by step process on the working of yAssess is as shown:

To know about the pricing of yAssess service and various FAQs click here.